Wednesday, May 21, 2014

This collaborative effort is about what would happen if a famous had to teach a class how to do something. We decided to choose the King of Pop and his hip dance moves. This shorty story/poem is meant to be humorous and entertaining as well as make you want to get up and dance.

Michael Jackson Teaches Dancing to Teenagers!

The steel toed shoes walked into the room
"Welcome to dancing 101"
stated the King of Pop

"I have one rule,
You must be able to moon walk,"
proclaimed Jacko.
This was the moment gravity left the building.
The lunar shoes took over and
the class went crazy.
Crashing, clashing, and bumping.

Hello sir, hello sir, hello sir.
The fun stopped on the floor, nobody moved
"Is this the room for hummusing?"
"No it's Jacko's moon walking.
The door closed and the party was revamped.

Jacko said "Back to moon walking"
Everyone reverted back to rocking their steel toed shoes 
and partied till they couldn't move anymore.

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