Wednesday, May 14, 2014

This story of love is one that touches the heart directly. This story, based on an assignment where we listened to a song and wrote a story, will make you get butterflies in your stomach.

The Proposal

Tyler was deeply in love. All he could think about was her. Her dazzling smile, her long brown hair that would blow in the wind, and her sparkling eyes that shone brighter than the sun. She was his job, his hobby, and life. He knew that he could not let her escape like all the other ones did. He had decided a week ago that he was going to pop the question at some point, but he just couldn't gain the confidence to bring himself to ask her. There had been many opportunities. Tyler had taken her on a midnight walk through Central Park under the bright full moon, but the time just didn't feel right. He even took her to a Yankee game, her favorite team, but he pulled her head away before she could read the message on the board. However, today was the day for him. He was finally going to do. He had already gotten her father's blessing so there wouldn't be any awkward exchanges between the family, and he how her father felt about him. He had said that he couldn't have asked for a better son-in-law and he was confident he would become a great father in the future.Tyler agreed with his girlfriend, Nancy, over the phone that they were going to meet at the fanciest restaurant in town. She had begun to grow an increasing suspicion that Tyler was up to something, but she couldn't make out what it could possibly be.

8:00. Where could she be? Tyler, his hands shaking and his forehead beginning to sweat, was becoming increasingly worried. She is late, she's never later, so where is she, Tyler wondered. It was now 8:15 and she still wasn't here. If she wasn't here in 5 minutes he was going to leave. Right then, Nancy walked through the door and Tyler's jaw dropped. She was adorned in a long green dress and outfitted with diamond earrings and high heels. Tyler was paralyzed with fear as her beauty overcame his confidence and he now realized that this was real. He was really going to ask her and there was no going back. 

"Wow you look great," said Tyler.

"Thanks," said Nancy. "Sorry I'm late, there was so much traffic over the Brooklyn Bridge."

"It's perfectly fine. Please take a seat."

Sitting across from each other, Tyler slipped into a state of being in which he became extremely suave. His voice didn't crack, his hands stopped shaking, and he could carry on a conversation without having those weird silences in between. Towards the end of the dinner, where there food was finished and the dessert had been demolished, Tyler felt like now was the perfect time to ask. He swiftly got on one knee, pulled out the ring and proposed.

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